Complain about submitted Facts

by Carlo Valenzuela
(Del Rio, Texas, United Staes)

Interesting facts and Copyright

Interesting facts and Copyright

It is me that posted this your heart stops beating when you sneeze so editors can you take erika's name off please.
By Editor
Dear Carlo,
I'm understand your concerns and would be happy to help. But it's a bit difficult to prove the ownership of the fact. International legislation says that "facts" not subject to copyright. So you can't own the fact. You can own only special way of presenting it. Erika can't copy your words but... If Erika explain same fact in little different words that would mean that she have rights to post it.

To remove Erika's name you must prove that you already posted same fact in same words on our website or at any other website. Just send me the link to website and I'll remove her name.

Important - Your post must be published at least 1 day before Erika's post.

But before i will add your names as Co-Authors.

Best regards

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