couple facts
by ashley
just relax and have a pice of cake!!!!!
ohhhhhhh i see u two kissing u guys r in big trouble i love to see people get in trouble. kissing is very bad but it depends on how old the people are i mean adults can very much kiss i love to see the fact that other people are getting in trouble. Have u ever seen the movie the last song they should have named it the last breakup recall the fact that they are both musicians and they both are so lonely they need to stay together of course miley cyrus is in the movie with her boyfriend that they used to go out because he was in all the movies that they played in but he played as her boyfriend all the time so do anybody have some dirt to top that i have to try to get a little work done not for me but for all u lonely people all i have to say is to keep your relationship private and whatever u do keep it from your little brother and have a good day remember keep your relationship private have a good day and remember ewwwww u guys are kissing!
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