by Madison
They are the only animal to be born with horns.
Scientists say that baby chickens grow faster when they listen to classical music, and slower when listening to rock.
A cat sees 6 times better than a human at night this is because of tapetum lucidum, a layer of extra reflecting cells which absorb cells.
Did you know that the cats in Scova Novia have six toes!
by Sarah
Elephants are the only animal besides human that understands death.
by vanessa
(new york)
an ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain!
by alex
did you know when you leave a goldfish in the dark for a long time it will turn grey
Goldfish turn white if left in the dark and Cats dont purr if left alone.
Eath worms have five hearts! But Worms don't have the same kind of heart that animals do.
by sabra
Nubian goats almost went extinct because women would use there ears for purses
Did you know that if a great white shark stops moving it dies.
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