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Sep 11, 2011
by: Anonymous

I wonder how many Americans decided not to fly today...

Sep 11, 2011
A few facts
by: Anonymous

America is the fattest nation on earth. One out of every three Americans is either overweight or obese. Congratulations lardass...

America couldn't brew a decent beer to save itself.

Homer Simpson is the role model for all Americans. Fat, lazy, and mentally inept.

All Americans should be required to wear earplugs. That will keep the shit from running out of their heads and into the environment.

Proof that Americans are dead between the ears.
They elected George W. Bush twice.
Once, OK. You didn't know what kind of a retard he was in the beginning. But twice, cmon...

Sarah Palin was elected into any kind of governing body.
I've lost count of the new words she has made up.
I truly hope that Sarah Palin runs for President and wins in 2012.
Nothing could collapse the US faster than that brain dead &^%$.

Aug 06, 2011
But we Pray alot
by: Anonymous

Data shows that the USA ranks 22 for science and math test scores compared to the other industrial countries. But we must be number one in praying and expecting divine intervention.

Peter Popoff , a TV evangelist is offering his services to anyone who will send him $27 which gets you a packagde of salt and a bottle of miracle spring water. You merely sprinkle the salt ober your bills and drink the water and you are supposed to receive an unexpected windfall. Reports are that this man has made $24 million dollars from donations from Americans.

I guess if this doesn't happen you can always hope that the RAPTURE will soon come and our economic problems will be of no concern.

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